In Honor of you

“Looking beyond

I was able to see you

your anxiety calms down

if I hug you

is that my world is yours

and I want to be yours


I leave my pride aside

while I sing I flow

and I tell you more

If my knees are on the ground

is not because I don’t find comfort

I’m trying to make you say ‘yes’

because a ‘no’ would cut my wings

One day,

I told God to not delay

that I would wait for you

but to take care of you

that you wouldn’t suffer

like me

for not being strong

for being a coward

and He told me

that you are really worthy

that I am not ready

but that I should prepare

and that you are

His princess

and that He is

your Father

and that He takes care of you

until the end of the world

that I can never love you

like He loves you

that I can never match

what He did for you

That if I manage to find you

Is because he wants to,

to not try to look

that He has you

for me

In Honor of God

In Honor of You

I kneel down. “

Song by: Indiomar

Translated by: Nasly

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